The challenge
17.6% of Cambodians live in extreme poverty on less than $2.15 per day. The cost of sending a child to school is more than many impoverished families can afford: on top of school fees and the cost of school supplies, books, and uniforms, there is the family’s loss in income when a child attends school instead of working.
In this context, girls are at highest risk of missing out on an education because families often choose to educate their sons rather than their daughters.
The solutions we're proposing
By offering Cambodia’s underprivileged girls an education and the opportunity to reach their full potential, W4 ensures that they are no longer left behind.
W4’s programs focus on giving vulnerable girls access to high-quality schooling, while also helping to meet their basic needs of shelter, food, and healthcare, and protecting them from socio-economic dangers such as sex trafficking, prostitution, and violence. Our education program is enabling Cambodia’s impoverished girls to build safe and dignified futures for themselves and their families.
The impact of giving
Make a life-changing difference by financing crucial school fees and supplies for the young Cambodian girls participating in our program, enabling them to attend school and obtain skills, qualifications, and the independence they need to break the cycle of poverty and become positive agents of change in their communities!