More than 35 years of war have led to extreme hardship in the lives of women in Afghanistan. On top of daily battles against poverty, insecurity, and forced or early marriage, over 85% of Afghan women have experienced physical, sexual or psychological violence, giving rise to many cases of depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress. Tragically, this struggle can become overwhelming: each year, 2000 Afghan women and girls attempt suicide by self-immolation.
Many vulnerable women who show signs of psychological suffering are rejected by their communities. They find themselves alone and incapable of financial independence. Without support, these women have little means to improve their lives.
Every week, Afghanistan Libre provides over 80 women and girl survivors of physical, sexual or psychological violence with psycho-social support and speech therapy group activities. The support program allows these girls and women to express their feelings - a huge step towards their self-acceptance and well-being.
As they gain more confidence, their capacity to work, learn, speak freely to social workers, and protect their own rights grows. To help the women capitalize on this new strength and autonomy, the program also supports them in crafts training, social business management and the creation of community groups for revenue-generating activities.
In addition to the support program, Afghanistan Libre also holds awareness-raising sessions on girls’ education, promotes primary health awareness in their psycho-social and health education center, organizes weekly discussions on subjects such as human rights, traditions and customs, and provides mediation in family disputes. Afghanistan Libre’s work reaches over 400 girls and women, plus members of their families and communities, every month.
Without your donation, this project would not exist. Thanks to people like you, Afghan women and girls have access to medical and psycho-social care, offering them a chance to rebuild their lives, escape isolation, share experiences, and overcome fear.
Help ensure that the suffering these girls and women have experienced is not all that they know. Their psychological well-being has repercussions on not only their own lives but also the lives of their families and societies. Offer them the opportunity to become autonomous, empowered, and valuable members of their communities.
“Where we make progress for women’s education, we make progress for democracy” - Chékéba Hachemi, President of Afghanistan Libre