The Challenge
Teaching through the arts offers girls in difficulty one of the best paths to academic success. Music, in particular, provides a highly accessible channel through which young girls can absorb concepts as well as develop crucial motor skills and the ability to solve problems.
Despite the diverse educational advantages inherent in an arts education, many schools in New York City lack the necessary resources to offer such learning opportunities to their pupils.
The solutions we're proposing
W4’s field project, Time In, is an outreach program designed to bridge this gap for the city’s underprivileged girls. Based on the aesthetics and experimentation of the Musique Concrète movement, its “Making Sound” workshops give girls a greater musical awareness, improved self-confidence and a passion for learning. When the girls aren’t making music of their own, Making Sound enables them to interact with distinguished musicians and composers both in the classroom and in a concert/rehearsal setting.
The impact of giving
Help draw New York City’s impoverished girls in from the fringes and enable them to discover their inner musician. By extending the reach of the Making Sound program, you can enable New York City’s girls to become self-confident choice-makers who use their imaginations and intelligence to leave behind a life of poverty.