Honey bees are great cooperators: they find the best source of nectar and pollen, then share the location with their fellow gatherers! Inspired by these methods, entrepreneur Maryam Henein has created HONEY COLONY to enhance the lives of us non-insects.
HONEY COLONY is an online magazine and marketplace that connects people who want to genuinely optimize their health and not just latch on to the most recent fad or diet. The website’s members form a human hive, learning from each other about what has and hasn’t worked for them, and educating one another about food and nutrition. The site works with non-profits and empowers people to be their own best health advocates by offering them content they can trust and presenting transformative solutions to toxic mainstream products.
CEO and Editor-in-Chief of the site, Maryam is also an investigative journalist and the director of the award-winning documentary Vanishing of the Bees, narrated by Ellen Page. The film focuses on colony collapse disorder (CCD), a phenomenon that has created crisis among beekeepers and has adversely affected many agricultural crops that depend upon bees for pollination (triggering staggering economic effects). The documentary examines the alarming disappearance of honeybees and the greater meaning it holds about the relationship between humans and our planet.
With HONEY COLONY, Maryam is dedicated to putting honesty back into mainstream health and into our food supply. The website offers various organic products, ranging from beauty, home and garden needs to superfoods and, of course, honey. It also features “Buzzworthy Blogs” and articles about health, parenting, and up-to-date news on the state of various foods and aspects of the environment around the world.
Check out honeycolony.com – and bee sure to swarm over to Netflix to stream Vanishing of the Bees!